Why is a Sustainability Consultancy offering ISO 9001 Quality Management?

When I first set out to build better sustainability reporting systems, it quickly became apparent that most organisations get ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) certification before starting to report their sustainability impacts, and before ISO 14001 they typically get ISO 9001 (Quality Management). Most organisations use a quality consultant to help them achieve ISO 9001, and Read more about Why is a Sustainability Consultancy offering ISO 9001 Quality Management?[…]

Understanding ISO: ISO 9001 Quality Management

What does it mean? Totem Sustainability Founder Ian Dodd gives the low down on ISO 9001 and what it can do for you and your business. Quality managers, who needs them? Always telling you what to do and not understanding the way the organisation ’really’ works? Unfortunately, this is a complaint I hear all too Read more about Understanding ISO: ISO 9001 Quality Management[…]