27th April 2017


Identify organisational challenges and develop new solutions, products and services.


Innovation is an elusive concept which can be hugely powerful when implemented successfully. Totem Sustainability uses a “lean startup” approach, in line with the book written by Eric Ries. Despite the name, “startup” in this context refers to any project, be it a new business or something within an existing organisation. Our framework will help you to identify challenges, develop ideas and structure an implementation plan which will help you get around the “build, measure, learn” cycle as quickly as possible. This approach maximises your opportunity for success and the participants will really enjoy themselves along the way!

For more information, check out the The Lean Startup.


Services and experience

Totem Sustainability can help you along every step of your innovation journey, with the full offering covering:

Challenge identification: Identify where you want to innovate and why.

Idea generation workshop: One day innovation workshops to identify solutions to your challenge.

Innovation Implementation: Ongoing support for implementing innovative solutions.