9th November 2016

WWF Global Forest and Trade Network

Become a WWF GFTN member and start reporting your forest product use.

WWF Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN)

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) operates a scheme called the Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN). Participants enjoy access to dependable sources of responsibly grown and harvested timber, strengthened consumer and customer acceptance, and recognition as an industry leader. You will also have the option to attend regular WWF GFTN events and groups to expand your knowledge, and meet some great people and businesses.

The scheme is focussed on organisations which handle or consume high volumes of timber and timber products such as forest owners and managers, manufacturers and processors, retailers and other end users.  But no matter your industry, it’s great to have a well-known and respected organisation like WWF endorse your sustainability efforts.

You will be required to collect data on your timber and timber product use, agree to being audited if selected and issue an annual progress report.

Check out WWF GFTN for more information

Services and Experience

Totem Sustainability can help you set up your procedures to collect the required data according to the WWF GFTN stepwise process and prepare your annual progress report.